Monday, August 13, 2007

The Great Design Depression...looming?

Icon Magazine has some sobering words for the design community (and by sobering, I mean brave).

Why Design Needs a Recession.

I can't say that I agree with all of them given my non-industry administrative monkeyism, however I can comment as far as internet hype.

Their exploratory thoughts on Children's Furniture, Authenticity, Magazines, Regeneration of living spaces (especially the 3000 conversions in Columbus alone), Affluenza, spectacle (see diamond encrusted skull art), and - dare I say it? - Dubai Hype, are all dead on.

The green revolution is not only televised, it's saturated in sponsorship. I won't go as far to say I have the classroom hours to agree or disagree with Icon's words, but I do think they're traveling with some it diesel, biodiesel, or Ferrari grade high octane.

While you're at it, check out this original piece: 50 Manifestos of the Design Community. (Speaking of hype, it features the internet idol Zaha Hadid. She's practically taking over the intertubes with accolades).